What is the Most Common Bathroom Vanity Size?

A vanity is an important element in a bathroom and homeowners take special consideration when choosing a new bathroom vanity during their bathroom renovation. But while there are some standard sizes available for vanities, they may not fit your bathroom too well. This is why it is important to assess the space in your bathroom. And go for a bathroom vanity that fits well, looks well and functions well. Here is a detailed guide on the most common bathroom vanity sizes. You can keep this handy when you are about to go for a bathroom remodelling. Dimensions of Standard Vanity Just as bathrooms differ in shapes, sizes, designs and aesthetics, even bathroom vanities differ immensely. However, for the convenience of the homeowners, the designers have set a standard dimension. And you can follow it when you choose a bathroom vanity. The size of standard bathroom vanities differs between 18 inches and 72 inches in terms of width. If you a...